Norfolk Broads River Distance Results
Journey Time
Rise and Fall
2ft (61cms)
The mileage shown is the river distance between your chosen departure and arrival points.
The cruising time is based on an average cruising speed of 5mph plus an amount to allow for speed limits in force at points along the Norfolk Broads.
The rise & fall figure shown refers to your chosen arrival point and is to assist in allowing enough rope when tieing up alongside moorings which might be subject to tidal conditions. Allow enough slack rope and your boat will not become tight against the mooring posts.
Tidal conditions at Yarmouth or Potter Heigham on a given day can be ascertained by clicking
HERE. Look for low water times.
New - Once you have decided on your route, use our unique Trip-planner Holiday Itinerary Builder to
construct your personalised itinerary which you can print or to keep on-line. Click
HERE for more details.
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The Northern Broads (Bure, Ant & Thurne)
The Southern Broads
(Yare, Waveney & Chet)